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Month: June 2012

Variety…is it the spice of life? ?>

Variety…is it the spice of life?

I am about to find out if variety really is the spice of life. Last week I decided to try at least one new thing each week for the rest of this year. This past week I shot photos on Bardstown Road and I tried a new restaurant. Week one down…check.

Baby one more time…. ?>

Baby one more time….

                  You can never get too much of a good thing. After such a great experience at Tom + Chee the first time, I ventured back. On my second trip, I tried the Flying Pig sandwich and the creamy tomato basil soup. The Flying Pig is turkey (yes, turkey), pickles, bacon, gouda on sourdough bread. The gouda was smooth and smoky. The pickles were the perfect accessory. The sandwich was just as…

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Size does matter ?>

Size does matter

It sure does, especially when I am talking about disappointment. The big ones can be devastating…real life changers. But don’t under estimate the small ones. Sometimes they really add up and bruise your self esteem or sometimes the surprise is what gets you. Today was pretty generic in all senses of the word and I was going about my business. Checked my email and received notification that I was not selected for a volunteer position I had applied for recently….

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My favorite lunch ?>

My favorite lunch

Everyone who really knows me, knows that my favorite comfort food is grilled cheese with optional tomato soup. Warm, melty cheese between two slices of toasted bread is the culmination of a childhood full of happy memories. Grilled cheese also represents good college memories for me. At least once a week, my sorority serves the iconic All American lunch. I rarely missed that day’s lunch.   Looking to try something new for lunch while trying to stay on my budget,…

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Hello world! ?>

Hello world!

This is the update of my previous blog. I chose Kelly’s Shoe Box for two reasons. This site is going to serve as a way for me to collect photos, ideas, images, articles and other items I want to save and share. In addition to housing some of my favorite things ever…shoes, shoe boxes often collect keepsakes and reminders. Growing up, almost every girl I knew had a shoe box in her room full of notes, ticket stubs, photos and…

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