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Category: books

out with 2014…. ?>

out with 2014….

Well, I made a new year’s resolution in 2014  and surprise surprise…I didn’t fulfill it. I wanted to read 24 books in 2014. So here’s the update. It’s not where I wanted to be, but sometimes life (and the internet) gets in the way. #epicbookfail 2014 Book Total: George Washington’ Secret Six looking for alaska Fangirl Divergent Insurgent Allegiant Veronica Mars: The Case of the Million Dollar Tan Line An Abundance of Katherines The Fault in Our Stars Another Piece…

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slacker 101… ?>

slacker 101…

I knew I hadn’t logged on here in too long, but I had no idea how long. Almost two months. Although, I haven’t been writing  here, I have definitely been writing. I volunteered to write an entry for my sorority’s national blog site. Summer has arrived and I will be more dedicated to writing and to reading. I have been keeping up with with my New Year’s resolution. barely. My first week of summer is dedicated to finishing up The…

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keeping my resolutions… ?>

keeping my resolutions…

My New Year’s resolution was to read more. I set my goal as at least two books a month and by posting here I can hold myself accountable. I am happy to say I am still on track! 2014 Book Total: George Washington’ Secret Six looking for alaska Fangirl Divergent Insurgent Allegiant After flying through the first two books, I eagerly opened the third book. And I was surprised. Suddenly Veronica Roth changed from one narrator to two. For me,…

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winter blahs…. ?>

winter blahs….

As anyone who knows me can attest to, I hate winter. I don’t like being cold. I don’t like shoveling snow. This winter we have experienced record snowfalls and it’s had me down. I slacked off in almost every aspect of my life. The laundry piled up. Papers went ungraded. Blog went updateless. New year’s resolution ignored. I only read one book in February “fangirl” by Rainbow Rowell. I ordered it from Amazon when it showed up on a list…

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keeping my resolutions… ?>

keeping my resolutions…

I rarely make New Year’s resolutions, but this year I did. I decided to read 24 books this year. I am proud to report that I read two books in January: one fiction and one nonfiction. My nonfiction book was George Washington’s Secret Six. Since I really enjoy history, I knew I would like the book. I was not disappointed. There is so much history and we learn so little of it in school. The book was short, but well…

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Welcome 2014…. ?>

Welcome 2014….

Making New Year’s resolutions is nothing new. People decide to turn over a new leaf and make the new year better than the last. This is why I can’t get a treadmill in the gym in January or why I am inundated with weight loss commercials on TV for the next two weeks. While I have never been one to make resolutions, I decided to make one goal for the new year. My goal for 2014 is to read more….

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the great Fitzgerald ?>

the great Fitzgerald

  On this date in 1896, F Scott Fitzgerald was born. What he wrote in the 1920s is still relevant today. Even though his books were set in his day, he wrote about the American Dream and leading a life of waste and excess. The Great Gatsby has always been one of my favorite books and it never loses its appeal, no matter how many times I have read it. I always loved Nick Carraway; the way he befriended Gatsby…

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two thumbs up… ?>

two thumbs up…

Sometimes you don’t want to like a book. Maybe because you don’t like the cover or you think the author is a hack. In this case, I didn’t want to acknowledge that Rob Lowe could actually be a writer. Too many Hollywood celebrities are writing books today. Some of them really believe they have a story to tell, while some of them are just trying to cash in in their 15 minutes of fame. However, I was wrong about Rob…

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