keeping my resolutions… ?>

keeping my resolutions…

I rarely make New Year’s resolutions, but this year I did. I decided to read 24 books this year. I am proud to report that I read two books in January: one fiction and one nonfiction.

My nonfiction book was George Washington’s Secret Six. Since I really enjoy history, I knew I would like the book. I was not disappointed. There is so much history and we learn so little of it in school. The book was short, but well paced. It was a quick read. I would definitely recommend the book to others and I will be passing it along to my dad.

My fiction book was John Green’s looking for alaska. I had heard good things about both the book and the author. I loved the book, hated to put it down each night. The characters were well developed. With most books, I can predict what will happen and how they will end. Not this book. I was not only entertained but interested throughout. I have three more John Green books and can’t wait to read them.

2014 Book Total:

  • George Washington’ Secret Six
  • looking for alaska

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