new toys… ?>

new toys…

Everyone likes new toys, I am no exception. For quite some time, I have wanted a small aperture (f2.8) lens. I love shooting with them because the large opening gives the photos very shallow depth of field. Shallow depth of field makes the background blurry which helps when you know you’re going to have a background which you can’t control such as a crowd at a sporting event. One of these lenses is well over $1000 new and I just…

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Netflix and thrill… ?>

Netflix and thrill…

I am a nerd. It’s not something I keep secret, I freely admit it. My inner nerd enjoys watching Arrow and the Flash. After resisting for years, I finally gave in and signed up for Netflix. The first series I binge watched was Jessica Jones. After making my way through Jessica Jones, I continued on to seasons 1 and 2 of Daredevil. Jessica Jones was intriguing because she isn’t the archetypical hero. She is flawed. She has issues. She has…

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February fogginess and March madness…. ?>

February fogginess and March madness….

February was a blur. Not because it’s the shortest month of the year, but because I spent the entire month fighting a virus much like pneumonia. This plague hit the first weekend in February and reared it’s ugly head when I landed from a flight back to Louisville. I was unable to breathe after landing and went to immediate care the next morning. I had a bad feeling about the doctor when he wanted to assume I had the flu…

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I’m not America’s Sweetheart, and I’m ok with it… ?>

I’m not America’s Sweetheart, and I’m ok with it…

Elle King America’s Sweetheart Every once in awhile, you hear a song and you know it’s your song. The song that represents who you are and how you feel. I found one of those songs. Elle King’s “America’s Sweetheart” is that song for me. To give you some background, I have never been one of those people who needs to be the center of attention or surrounded by others. I have never felt an overwhelming need to be popular. I…

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failing our kids… ?>

failing our kids…

For the past few weeks an assignment turned in by one of my seniors has been on my mind. A senior who was taking my one-semester journalism class wrote a column about being forced into adulthood. She was graduating midterm and had been looking for an apartment, trying to secure insurance, finish her FAFSA, apply to colleges and pay income tax. She wrote that at no time in her high school career did a class or a teacher ever explain…

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2015 report card….D ?>

2015 report card….D

At the end of the year, social media becomes inundated with posts lamenting the year’s end and eagerly predicting that the upcoming year will be the best one yet. Avoiding all forms of introspection, I made the cursory general facebook post about hoping 2016 will be better. Now that I have had time to really (over)think 2015, I realize it was a D year. I give it a D because 2015 was truly disappointing. While, it started out like any…

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grown ups today… ?>

grown ups today…

I am a chronic eavesdropper. I admit it. I love having my summers off and all that comes with them, such as long lunches. Since I have been a lady who lunches, I am guilty of eavesdropping on the conversations around me during said lunches. The one comment that annoys me the most is something along the lines of “kids these days…” and what is most annoying about that type of comment is that is it usually uttered by those…

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self blog shaming…. ?>

self blog shaming….

I admit it. I am blog shaming. However, I am shaming myself. I have neglected this blog far too long. I have been writing, in fact, I have been writing a lot. Some days are like a walk in the park, and some days are like a roller coaster ride. Today was the latter. The morning started off on a low. I would say that throwing up in the school parking lot before going it definitely ranks as a low….

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out with 2014…. ?>

out with 2014….

Well, I made a new year’s resolution in 2014  and surprise surprise…I didn’t fulfill it. I wanted to read 24 books in 2014. So here’s the update. It’s not where I wanted to be, but sometimes life (and the internet) gets in the way. #epicbookfail 2014 Book Total: George Washington’ Secret Six looking for alaska Fangirl Divergent Insurgent Allegiant Veronica Mars: The Case of the Million Dollar Tan Line An Abundance of Katherines The Fault in Our Stars Another Piece…

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#tistheseason… ?>


During the month of November, it’s hard to browse social media without seeing the “What I am thankful for” posts. While it’s nice to see such positivity being shared, I tend to tune them out by mid-November. It’s not that I don’t appreciate my friends’ good fortune, I just tire of the monotony. Yes, I did it one year, but only once. This year I decided to do something new and try to do something for others as many days…

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